We spent a total of 31 days in Argentina, and spent a total of $7,274.88
while there. While we were there, $1 USD was equal to $20.24 Argentinian Pesos. Below is a
breakdown of our expenses:
We rode a total of 1,425 miles while in Argentina.
$1,032.02 spent on FOOD/ALCOHOL
$830.41 spent on LODGING
$157.08 spent on FUEL
$0.00 spent on MAINTENANCE/PARTS
$74.94 spent on MISCELLANEOUS
$5,180.43 spent on TRANSPORTATION
This means in Argentina we spent an average of $234.67 per day. Or $117.33 per person per day.
If you remove the shipping and flight costs ($5,077.63), which were
not specific to Argentina, we only spent $2,197.25, averaging $70.87 per
day, or $35.43 per person per day.